Odd Squad Records was created from the mind of Penny More sometime in 2001. From that day forward Odd Squad would start a movement that has captured many till this day. Although the group is still very much underground, the influence they have had on a local level has ...been impressive. From then till now the group has taken many forms, gaining some members, losing some more but the plan and the dream has always remained the same. The original members consist of “Jay Fire”, Da Fliptorious One, Verb, “Penny More” and a soul whom no longer is in the physical but here on a spiritual level Yoel “Cise” Marin June 14th1981 – Feb. 1st 2007. As well as members Jae Stage, D Stacks, our songstress Jeshaze, & Shai aka the choice of NY.

After many trial and errors, ups and downs and some business relationships coming to a complete hault, Odd Squad has finally found their way. It would take finding a partner and Manager Shaileen “Shai’ Amazing”Aponte to help open up avenues Odd Squad had not yet taped into. Only after sending and promoting music on HHH radio shows such as Streets Radio’s Under the Radar, On Deck Thursdays and Lyrical Massacre all hosted by Ms. FeFe of NAB also DTF radio, as well as UEG radio for untouchable Wednesdays on in the mixx radio, Odd Squad's dream become more and more apparent. Through these promotions and possible lifetime connections, Odd Squad would go on to do shows for Elegant Hoodness Musical Program, Open mic nights at the Pyramid Club and Karma Lounge and future interviews for several internet radio shows and magazines.
Also being connected to an up and coming Photographer slash Director Maria Perez of Airam Productions. Along with that, a three track featuring would also be made possible on a Ms. FeFe hosted mix tape by the name of Open Fire Vol. 2, along with an unreleased mix tape hosted exclusively by Odd Squad was released under another label name but featured all members of the team, that mix tape would be named “The Game Will Never Be the Same Vol1”. With all that has been accomplished so far, Odd Squad is fully aware that there is still so much more to do and so many more mountains to conquer. With that being said the dream is strong and the “bigger picture” so to speak, couldn’t be any clearer. With another mix tape on the way, plus a compilation album showcasing new artists representing the Odd Squad Banner along with four new mix tape featuring 'Major Movements Vol. 39, 41 Hosted by Dj King Swat, 'Across the pond' (Cash in the bank) presented by The Heaviest Hook Ups, from the UK and Streets Radio's Open Fire Vol.3 10/2010 and will be hosting Open Fire vol 4(12/2010),the Odd Squad movement is far from over. After all is said and done the final plan is to bring the soul back to hip hop and offer a sound that hasn’t been heard yet. To finally offer something more than just the typical tight jeans, colorful shirts and 80’s revival bands, that have been the norm as of late. So with that being said we sign off with this final thought, “join us if you will because Odd squad is more then just a movement, it’s a way of life.”