UK's Own Ghost67

Ghost67 is a UK born hiphop artist. Having grown up overseas in the deserts of Oman and then moving to the busy city of Cairo for three years he then moved back to England at the age of 10. At 16 years of age he began writing spoken word verses and used this as a way to channel his mind away from the bullying he suffered at high school. It was during a car ride to a rugby match that Ghost67 hea...rd ...the Mark B & Blade hit 'The Unknown' and it was then that he swore to locate Blade, learn from him and record a song with him. Inspired by 'The Unknown' he made his way to London with his younger brother to see Everlast and who should be supporting but Blade himself. The two conversed during the gig and numbers were swapped. Eight months later and Ghost67 released 'Regular Guys' feat Blade over the internet. The rest is history.Ghost67 has since recorded several songs for various projects and has featured on tracks released in UK, USA, Canada, Germany, Holland and France.He has maintained a close relationship with Manchester's Mr CRF & The Pedigree Chumps, Salford's Mr Stressa & The Madpack Family, New York's Incite & Stranger Productions and ofcourse Blade of Mark B & Blade fame.Through this underground network he has managed to collaborate with recording artists such as Stackadolla of Redman's Gillahouse family, he has found himself on stage with Redman & Methodman on the Red Gone Wild Tour, he's recorded with New York's Kristin Hoffman, Germanys hiphop group Ich&Wirr, Houston's underground group The Paperboys, London's Mad Sabre, he was also invited to feature on the Kingdom of Crooks mixtape with Mr CRF and Rack-Lo of New York. Ghost67 is currently wrapping up the debut album called 'Footsteps of an Angel of Sin' due to be released in 2011. A studio tour of New York and Detroit was completed in September 2010 and the album will feature Celph Titled, Blade, Mr CRF. Wordsmiff, face of So Solid Crew fame and an array of other quality artists.Keep your ears pricked and eyes peeled for the caveman of rap. You'll not be let down.
Pz, Ghost