Gary Gibson a.k.a. J. Brown was born in Union City, Tennessee, and developed a love for music naturally. Music has always been a way of escaping from the worries of the world, and allowed J. Brown to express his emotions. His older cousin, Esio would rap at family gatherings, and J Brown was so impressed by his cousin, he would starting rapping shortly thereafter. J. Brown officially started rapping at the age of 12, and later joined a crew called Psylent En for a few years. J. Brown was in a rap group called Street symphony aka S-team, however he felt the need to branch out on his own and began his solo career. He linked with Daneja Mentale of Def 4 Life Records in 2007, and has worked on various projects, albums, and mixtapes for many great artists. J. Brown has also released his debut album, "Heaven and a Gun" on Def 4 Life Records in 2008, and it has received international praise. J. Brown has done many live shows, and has even done t.v. performances. J. Brown's lyrics paint vivid mental pictures of things that has experienced, whether good or bad he has not afraid to share them with his audience. J. Brown's influences are life, Oukast, Goodie Mob, Tribe called Quest, Pete Rock ,Mos def, Jay Z. and Lupe Fiasco. As an artist J. Brown wants to develop his wordplay more, and continue to express what he is feeling.

Kaiji (In Stereo) was born, Kaiji Brianna Evans in Chicago, IL. Kaiji was exposed to different genres of music as child, but it was hip hop that really spoke to her soul. Her first hip hop song she listened to was from a Tribe Called Quest, where she then realized that hip hop was going to be her way of life. Kaiji began writing rhymes, intimating her favorite mcs, and performing for family members. Hip hop became her thing and from there on, the rest was history.
Furthermore, she has participated in music seminars where she has met legendary artists like Kanye West, Common, LL Cool J, Pharrell, and a host of other artists. Kaiji has met producers from one of Chicago’s premiere radio station, 92.3 where she learned more about the industry. Kaiji has collaborated with artists Savant, Dee Jackson of the 80s babies, Jones, J. Brown, Daneja Mentale, Louis Good, and many more. She has worked with producers throughout the United States, as well internationally. She has released two projects up to date, “Sharing My Dream” produced entirely by Satchill Head of Virginia, and “The Release” produced Keon Blank of Estonia. She has just completed third project, “Homage” which is a collaborative effort with mc, J. Brown. Kaiji continues to work hard, and spread the true essence of hip hop to the world. The passion she has within goes deep beyond the surface and it is rooted deep within her soul. Kaiji is ready to let the world experience her full potential!