“The red flag was the oozing from my ears, from my forehead, the whole nape around my head. The puss, that horrible smell, it was painful.”
Countess Vaughn is warning all sistas of the potential dangers you could be signing up for if you chose to wear lace-front wigs. The actress speaks from her own personal experience, suffering thinning hair and scalp infections from her former “24/7″ hair addiction.
Today, Countess is using her hair hurdles — including “a bad reaction to the glue that I used to apply the wig” — as an example to others.
Here’s that Countess revealed on “The Doctors”:
“It’s crazy how one day everything’s fine and then the simplest things can mess up your life. Working in the industry for so long, I’ve always had different looks, so I’m used to wearing wigs. In about 2004, my hairstylist introduced me to front lace wigs and I fell in love with them immediately. You have a full hairline. I was wearing it 24/7. Five years later the drama came in. The red flag was the oozing from my ears, from my forehead…the whole nape around my head. The puss. It had a horrible smell. It was painful. I let this go by for six months. What I didn’t realize was, I had a bad reaction to the glue that I used to apply the wig. My hair started falling out.
I didn’t want to make the connection with that. I was just like, ‘Come on. A wig? A wig can make you sick? No way.’ I went to a dermatologist but he didn’t let me know long term there would be any problems. Now I just have discoloration. People assume, you know, do you have vitiligo? Anywhere where you would apply the wig and put tape on, I’m lighter in those areas and I use makeup to cover it up. The skin under my eyes peeled because of the glue. The skin came off my ears. With eyeliner I’m literally drawing in my hair line.
Because of the hair situation, I was embarrassed. It was just, you have to be at home and be bald. I had to go through this in order to teach my little one that you gotta love yourself before anybody else will. *start crying* I just want to look natural.”