Early this morning, Migos were involved in a shooting in Northwest Miami, on Interstate 95. According to Florida's Channel 7 news, an unspecified passenger in the group's van was "shot in the leg, suffering non-life-threatening injuries." The victim was driven to Jackson Memorial Hospital.Officer Joe Sanchez of Florida Highway State Patrol summed up the incident: "At 3:30 in the morning the van behind us was travelling southbound occupied by eight members of the entertainment group Migos. They were supposed to be performing at Cafe Iguanas in Broward [County, north of Miami] and apparently for whatever reason there was an altercation or disagreement with management and they didn't perform, so as they were driving southbound on I-95, according to the witnesses in the van, a dark vehicle pulled along side them and opened fire," said Sanchez. "A member of the group was in possession of his personal handgun and he returned fire. "In another interview with NBC Channel 6, Sanchez said that he did not know if this was a deliberate "hit" or a road rage incident.[UPDATE: New Details Emerge On Shooting Incident]As we reported on this morning, Migos were reportedly involved in a shooting while driving on Interstate 95 in Miami, Florida. Now a few new details have surfaced, and it appears as that However, the van was riddled with bullets. See an image of the van being towed away above.Migos' manager says, "There was at least 40 rounds being blasted on those niggas." Apparently as they were driving down the highway, a car pulled up beside them and just started shooting off rounds. The manager says they proceeded to drive to the nearest hospital, however everyone was unscathed.Police confiscated the van from the hospital, and it is being processed as part of their investigation.