From: MediaTakeOut
MediaTakeOut.com just got a STUNNING report, a local NYC GRAMMAR school is being funded, by a local STRIP CLUB!!!
A very LOYAL MTOer was shocked and appalled when she learned about a Family Movie Night held at PS 41 in The Bronx. Look at the above flyer - at first glance, it looks very innocent. But look closely, you'll see that not only did they spell "sponsor" wrong (we can't JUDGE them for that lol) . . . but it is being funded by a local strip club, the Key Club.
We're happy that the club is trying to GIVE BACK to the community. But something DON'T SEEM RIGHT about them putting their name on the FLYER FOR A KIDS MOVIE . . . it's almost like they're ADVERTISING THE CLUB to the kids.
NYC Media MUST CREDIT MediaTakeOut.com for this story if they use it. If you don't, it's STEALING and PLAGIARISM . . . and we will make sure to NEVER LINK to your company again if you do so.